Friday, 28 January 2011

XtraNormal Script

We Media is the distribution of different forms of media without the input of Large media institutions that controls broadcaasting and the news ect such as the BBC. We Media is produced by the public "Grassroot journalism" and can be distributed in many ways.

2 forms of media that can be used to promote We Media productions are Social networking sites (Facebook) and the use of Films / Videos (Youtube). these are both very well known and easy to use programmes in we media.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Script for xtra-normal video

To begin with I guess we should explain what WE-media is. We-media is the form of media which lets anybody broadcast or share the news that they feel is important to them and the wider public. Websites like youtube allow people to share any content (within reason) with as many people as they want.

The two specific media areas we have decided to study are social networking and films/video. Social networking has been transformed by the concept of We-media. Social networking by its very name is a concept which attempts to gather everybody in and unite them through the internet- Facebook is at the front line of social networking with an estimated 'population' of 600 million! We-media is reporting and showing news/events and of course social networking has been galvanised by this and has helped to galvanise we-media. Both concepts 'bounce off' each other to improve individual and aspects.

Films and videos is the second media group we have studied.  Just like social networking, films and videos are now easily shared by using the concept of WE-media. Youtube lets anybody with an internet connection view videos that have been uploaded from all around the world. Videos and feature films (broken up in some cases into parts) are accessible to anyone by just searching the internet- there are sites dedicated to showing episodes of 'South Park' and 'the Simpsons' (amongst others).

Contemporary media theories and practice answers are the final 2 parts in this script.

Henry Jenkins theory about participatory culture applies heavily to WeMedia as a culture and especially to social networking and video. Henry Jenkins argues that participatory "Fan cultures" have been around long before the web but the web has served to expand those already existing and also create new ones.

This applies to WeMedia because it doesn't only apply to "fan cultures". It can apply to any group of people who express themselves through the web. For instance online forums, Facebook and Facebook groups, wikipages, youtube videos and video responses to those videos or of course fan cultures.

This also allows almost anyone access to almost any collective culture. For example movie making was previously only accessible to those with a large budget and support from producers.
In 2004 Mark Zukerberg and some friends of his independently founded Facebook in his dorm room at Harvard university. This social networking phenomena now houses the information of 600 million people and allows people to find, add, message, chat to, upload pictures of and play games with All of their friend, relatives and basically anyone that they have ever met.

Script Information

Make a start on the scripts - all scripts must include the following:

*An explanation of your theme : what does we media mean?

*Indicate which two media areas you are looking at, what specific examples you have researched. : Film and Social Networking Sites.

* Include reference to at least two contemporary media theories and how your specific examples prove or disprove the theories : (We Media and We Think)?

*Include a summary of how you would answer each of the 4 prompt questions using the media theories and your textual examples.

                                             The 4 Questions:
1. What are 'We media'?

2. Where/how has 'We Media' emerged?

3. In what way are the contemporary media more democratic than before?

4. In what ways are the contemporary media less democratic than before?

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Meida Therios - "We Think" & "We Media"

Charles Leadbetter - We Think :

Leadbetter believes argues that the way we think and make sense of knowledge is fundamentally shifting into the online age.
                               This means that before the revolution of the internet personal opinions or theories had to be distributed via books which need publishing and cost money and also by word of mouth ect. To follow this he says that open access knowledge building communities on the web allow ideas to be shared and tested more quickly and efficiently, this opinion is prooved due to websites that allow open communications with the ability to upload videos that can express a range facts/opinions to gain a response from the online people, websites such as facebook give people the opportunity to upload whatever they want and have a potentially large viewer base. Also Youtube provides all people the chance to upload and broadcast videos of whatever the like within reason.
Essentially the sharing of information has changed from physical aspects such as the publishing of books to how the entire population can upload and share via the internet which is very low cost and can have a large viewer base which is good to promote what leadbetter calls "We Think", this is linked to "We Media" in the fact that it distributes public / unofficial productions that can cause response gaining it popularity.

The internet allows free hosting of information whether it be films of opinions ect. David Leadbetter finally states that it leads to more creativity and innovation separate from institutional constraints and I believe that the quality of videos are getting better due to the range of technology the public have access to such as phone cameras or HD hand held cameras and this raises the quality of the competition / responders and can make others create their own products as it is cheap and easy with a large viewer base. It is easier to get a direct response and therefore is easier to build its popularity.

My media areas are Social networking sites and Film what Leadbetter believes is supported within my media groups as social networking sites are open access online communities linking the use of film to distribute opinions of people that upload it. Knowledge based forums cover a wide range of subjects and sites such as Wikipedia have a very large knowledge base therefore the way we think and make sense of knowledge may be fundamentally shifting into the online age.

Dan Gilmore - We media

Dan gilmore believed that large media institutions such as Sky, Google and the BBC control who produces and shares media however the vast amount of better technology such as video and phone cameras  is becoming increasingly accessible to the whole public therefore enabling them to recored their own film for example expressing their own opinion or music video in which they aim to get a response and these films can be distributed on social networking sites such as Facebook as they can easily be uploaded and what they called "commented" on or "liked"
Dan gilmore:"The power of media institutions is a catalyst by ordinary citizens to share their own news "

Our media areas provide the chance for the entire public to distribute their forms of we media.
An example of how a Social Networking Site (Facebook) can distribute information and cause response. Particular forms of we media can be used to discuss the debate on EMA which is a large part of the commercial media institutions News but has a large we media response  for example groups and pages on facebook that allow open discussion for all facebook users this is good because there is a large base of people willing to debate and share their own views on a subject. Here is a link to a facebook group which promotes the discussions about everyones views on the Political subject of the removal of EMA which is distributed via different forms of we media whether it be peoples direct opinions recored and made into films which can be uploaded to Youtube or groups on Facebook that allow open discussion.

The fact that people use Facebook and other sites to distribute their forms of we media is good because it  can highlight certain issues that people may not know about, for example in this case people may not be as politically minded as others and not involved in watching the news however they may be a member of facebook and seeing what their friend has joined will draw their attention to the subject.

Art as We Media.

In these Modern times The Arts have become an aspect of media. In years gone by a talented artist would only be successful or recognized if they were able to attend a reputable university, had money, were working in a contemporary style. the only way you would be able to really view art would be in a museum or a gallery which you would need to pay to get into and perhaps is completely impractical to get to. Nowadays you can view Masterpieces by simply typing the name into Google. Because of this anyone with access to the internet can get inspiration from a simple search on the web.
Also Websites like let you show your art to the entire world via the internet.   

Friday, 14 January 2011

We-Media and the Impact of 2.0

Web 2.0 definition and implications for AS Film and Media courses.

Need to finish for tuesday

Concerns of Media Institutions about WeMedia in their respective areas.

The most important concern of Media institutions regarding WeMedia in their Areas, I imagine would simply be rivalry. Take for instance a local newspaper. If a few independent journalists and photographers start writing and distributing their own little informative paper, then the main thing the larger newspaper would be interested in would be; the quality of their reporting and photographs, the number of papers that they are distributing, the areas in which they are distributing the paper, how they are distributing it and possibly most importantly how much they are charging for it.
These things are almost guaranteed to be less than the Larger paper. But perhaps the WeMedia paper has better journalism, better pictures and it costs nothing. then the Larger paper would have to assess their situation, see how much this effects them and act accordingly using what assets they have. Of course this applies everywhere in all media institutions like television, music, film, etc.
So in conclusion Rivalry covers all concerns of media institutions about WeMedia in their area.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

What do you think are the disadvantages to we-media in your chosen media areas? (Give me some specific examples of cases where we-media has been a negative thing).

The disadvantage of we media in social networking is that we media gives people different choices of the same thing such as for example facebook events inviting people to more than one event, however if a well known or established event invite was sent peoples opinions would be influenced because they have heard of this well established event and are more likely to attend this event than the we media events.The disadvantage of a we media film is pretty much the same as social networking because bigger and well established companies gain more views than smaller we media companies.

Advantages of We-Media within Social Networking and Film

What do you think are the advantages to we-media in your chosen media areas?

Social network sites such as Facebook can make it easy for videos to be posted and viewed by allot of potential people and that is a good way to promote we media.

Videos that are posted by friends have a potentially large viewer base and others can be influenced to watch it because that is what their friend posted therefore it is promoting we media via Social Networking site.

Anyone can make a film therefore if it had a directed opinion or view can create a video and upload it on social networking sites and websites such as youtube to aim for a response and therefore can express their form of we media to a large viewer base even wether it would be a music track on a site such as myspace where they can achieve a high rate of listeners if it gets popular. 

The amount of films out there when people create home videos ect, which allot of people do do and feel the need to upload it, this influences others to maybe start making video responses or even get them interested in starting to create their own videos if its music or film / videos which all will be forms of we media as they are published on a range of social networking sites and Youtube with a huge internet user base without being on official media based for example when Artists are signed to a producer and get official radio play ow when films are shown at cinemas.

The range from high tech recordings and low quality videos that are filmed from devices such as mobile phones ect, influence others to have higher quality footage because everything use is going to be using better quality in the near future.

If the film spread by forms of we media is actually good official film institutions can buy it off them or even employ them maybe institutions such as Film4 because they are relatively small on a official scale but introduce new british films. 

We media can be spread through our media types because they have a very large and competitive viewer base therefore potentially they could gain allot of popularity which is good to promote we media itself.

Lesson 5

How has we-media evolved in your media area and what evolution (possibly technological) caused it to occur?

The two areas that we are investigating are social networking and films.

We- media is a key component of social networking. Social networking is all about internet users broadcasting their personal news and news that might be of interest to the wider public. We-media is a phrase which describes the changes in media outlets e.g. the reporting of news and social networking.

Film has greatly been affected by the concept of we-media. Before it was only possible for big media corporations e.g. the warner brothers to have their films broadcast however now anyone can get their products viewed by the public on video hosting sites like youtube.

Technology has evolved and this has an impact on social networking.
Now it is possible for anybody to update and view their own or others social networking updates. The wide range of phones available means that anyone can view their social networking sites.

There have also been technological advances which has affected the film industry. We can now watch films on various video sites and on youtube. Anyone can watch the films they want to by using search engines.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Citizen Journalism and a more secularized film industry.

General information on citizen journalism industry - journalism and then how it evolved into citizen.

Journalism is the practise of reporting and investigating events and issues that take place.

Johann Carolus's Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien, published in 1605 in Strasburg, is often recognized as the first newspaper. The first successful English daily, the Daily Courant, was published from 1702 to 1735

 Citizen Journalism is effectively the name for journalism that has been taken into the hands of members of the public. Examples can be viewed in the videos of the people who attended the recent student protests and the events were reported on social networking and recorded on video.

Examples of citizen journalism include using twitter and facebook and blogs to report the news and incidents. 

 How film has involved into a secular industry. Film used to be an industry where the biggest companies were only able to produce full length feature films. Now it is possible with today's technology for anybody to upload a small video about literally anything onto video hosting sites like youtube and facebook.

Good and bad things about democratisation-
the good things about film and citizen journalism are that it opens up a whole different way for people to get their views and news across and can restrict it to whoever they want to view it.

Bad consequences : if everybody posts rubbish then it is harder for the most talented posters to have their work seen and recognised. There is also potential for inappropriate material to be posted and accessed by the viewing public.

Film For Everyone

Film can be made now using a range of different technologies most of these are accessible by the public and therefore almost anyone can make a video. For example footage can be recorded by Cameras, Mobile phones, Digital Cameras, Video recorders and now even Ipods, and most of these gadgets are owned by allot of the public.
                                              Not only can any make a video but they can also upload it to a range of social networking or websites such as you tube  for everyone too see.

Certain videos obtain attention and can become popular and maybe if the video is something important or controversial or maybe just even funny they could reach the news and be broadcast worldwide if they reach that level of popularity.
                                               For example Charlie bit my finger.
This video reached 270,000,000 views in 3 and a half years. This amount of popularity lead to television interviews and being played on the news.

This proves that if people are interested in a certain video anything can be filmed and build its popularity within the media.

Friday, 7 January 2011

WE media

The article starts off by explaining how the media came about.

The U.S constitution was critical to the freedom of speech. Before the amendment there were no outlines explaining what people could and could not do.

The end of the 19th century saw the rise of a new type of journalist 'the muckraker'. It wasnt just news that was getting covered but more gossip related news.

Centralisation and corporate ownership became common with media outlets in the 80s and 90s. CNN was one of the biggest corporations to be formed June 1, 1980. The venture was a massive risk but given its prior success it was worth it.

The 1980s saw the introduction of the personal computer. Justin Hall wrote one of the first personal blog's on the internet using HTML. 

We Media Introduction

Dan Gillmor -
                                                      "Grassroots journalists are dismantling Big Media's monopoly on the news, transforming it from a lecture to a conversation. Nationally known business and technology columnist Dan Gillmor tells the story of this emerging phenomenon, and sheds light on this deep shift in how we make and consume the news."

Grassroot Journalism, By the People For the People.

Introduction to We Media taken from Dan Gillmor's online book.

" - This book is about journalism’s transformation from a20th century mass-media structure to something profoundly more grassroots and democratic. It’s a story, first, of evolutionary change. Humans have always told each other stories, and each new era of progress has led to an expansion of storytelling. This is also a story of a modern revolution, however, because technology has given us a communications toolkit that allows anyone to become a journalist at little cost and,  in theory, with global reach. Nothing like this has ever been remotely possible before."

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Examples of We Media videos on youtube

Coppercab: Gingers Have Souls!
Coppercab's video is an example of we media because he is expressing his point of view using Youtube as a forum.

Keenan: (with me and 50cent)
Keenan is an example of We Media because without the internet and youtube he would not be a celebrity (well not as large a celebrity (no pun intended)).

RayWilliamJohnson: FAKE DEATH!
Ray's youtube channel is called =3. He uploads episodes twice weekly and his videos collectively have had  683,423,835 total views from march 25th 2008 to date. Ray definitely wouldn't have been able to become so popular if it weren't for youtube and social networking.

Definition of 'we media'

As 'we' is a pronoun which includes everybody I have come to the conclusion that WE media is the term to describe the changing attitudes in media and ultimately the way that we use it.

Media has as an entity sometimes been seen as a 'dictatorship' because it hasnt always given the reading and viewing public a chance to look at the news and information for themselves.

We media cant be defined because everybody views it differently.

Sources like blogging and social networking are key to this idea because they let people publish what they want to who they want.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011